
Holistic Church's Congregation

This is a new page on which Holistic Church Congregation’s Members are just beginning to share their views. (There will be a number of topics, soon.)

Be advised: we don’t REQUIRE member pictures (most of the pictures shown are placeholders).

Why They Joined Holistic Church

Alex B.

Alex B. Why I Joined Holistic Church

Holistic Church Member

Praying doesn’t do it. Doing makes all the difference. I’m done waiting for miracles and joined Holistic Church because I’m ready for a change. I’m ready to make changes in my life. I’m ready to make things happen. Traditional religion and politicians promise. This Church is doing something. That’s the right Church for me.

Lesley R.

Lesley R. Why I Joined Holistic Church

Holistic Church Member

We are living the WORST case of interdependence and “natural environment’s” abuse, right now, at the height of Covid-19. People walking around without masks and spreading the virus with no consideration for the safety of others. We need a voice of reason to restore common sense and humanity which too many are lacking!

Atheist? Agnostic? Doubtful?

A healthy worldview, solid values, and connectedness are more helpful than “god”.

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