Humanist Holistic Religion Pendant

Humanist Holistic Religion PendantThis is a tiny Humanist Holistic Religion Pendant. Yes, it’s a footprint.

In the holistic, larger scheme of things our claim to “eternal life” is the impact we’ve made while here. It could be our impact on the Earth, on others as well as a contribution to humanity at large.

We have the right to live for ourselves, to pursue, achieve, love and enjoy. We also have the obligation to live for the planet and other people. In short, “immortality” is the positive legacy built over a lifetime.

The Humanist Holistic Religion Pendant is a footprint that represents the importance of building a legacy that benefits others and outlives us.

The pendant is tiny (0.75” long, including bail, and 0.25” wide). It’s gold-tone. Holistic Religion Pendant can be worn as a pendant or charm or even on a keychain. No matter how you’ll wear it, it will remind you of the values you strive to live by.

ATTENTION! the Humanist Holistic Religion Pendant is included in the membership packet of the Humanist Holistic Church Congregation. Don’t order it if you’re planning to join us!


PLEASE BE ADVISED: The Humanist Holistic Church ships within the Continental U.S., ONLY!
Price: $ 12.00
Sales tax is included. Shipping is free.

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