Holistic Church: The Attack On U.S. Capitol

Holistic Religion – and by extension Holistic Church – promote non-violence, tolerance and respect. Holists don’t attempt to “convert” others to share our values, life converts many as it is. Holists respect the sanctity of our government, other religions’ houses of worship and cemeteries of all faiths. To Religious Holists a violent attempt to overthrow the results of a lawful Presidential Election or worse, an attempt at overthrowing our Democracy itself is INDEFENSIBLE.

Holistic Church condemns the rioting, the rioters and their leader, President Trump. This was an attack on our Country, our Democracy, on each of us and our American values. Click To Tweet

Shame on Republicans who failed to invoke the power of the 25th Amendment even in the aftermath of the attempted January 6th 2021 coup. (The role and intent of the President were transparent.)

Thank you Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for disabling POTUS’s accounts and thereby preventing him from orchestrating future attempts at turning America into a dictatorship dominated by greed, corruption, white supremacists and other domestic terrorist groups. (It’s hard to believe, but as of this writing, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram have done more to protect our Country from President Trump than the U.S. Congress!)

It’s a relief to see how one by one the participants of the riot are identified, located, arrested and charged. At the same token, it’s shocking that as much as the authorities are efficient in prosecuting the individual participants, their leader appears to be – at least, for now – above the law. (Correct me if I’m wrong, but in cases of murder for hire, the harshest charge and the harshest sentence is reserved for the guy who instigated the murder, not the hired hand!)

The attempted insurrection was inspired, ordered and encouraged by President Trump who even praised the rioters for it. And yet, so far at least, he is still the commander-in-chief and not charged with the crime he so publicly instigated.

Lawlessness, vandalism and mob-mentality have to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Holistic Church’s benevolent values notwithstanding, those who attacked and desecrated the U.S. Senate (both, the participants and the organizer) should not only be punished for their crimes but stripped of their citizenship and exiled. There isn’t – and shouldn’t be – a place in the United States of America for criminal, anti-democracy mobs to hide. It isn’t safe for the rest of us to have them among us.

Patriotism is protecting our Home from attacks foreign and domestic; those trying to destroy it are no “patriots” but thugs. Holistic Church has no tolerance for traitors and supports severe punishment of ALL the domestic terrorists involved in the January 6th 2021 attack on Capitol Hill.


Photo by Alejandro Barba on Unsplash

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Rev. Enrich

Rev. Enrich

Reverend Enrich is an Ordained Humanist Minister, the author of “Holistic Religion” and the Founder of the Holistic Church.